News Article — September 19, 2023 — Rosina Naab

Apply now for our new Promoting Local R&D Program

Apply here for our new R&D Program.

Innovation R&D, in collaboration with WomHub, brings together Western & Eastern Africa’s most inspiring and impactful makerspaces. Join us as we bridge the innovation gap through a learning journey how makerspaces can promote local R&D and support startups to develop, test and deploy homegrown solutions. The programme aims to develop and strengthen local R&D for participating makerspaces through the incorporation of innovation, technology key trends, gender diversity and sustainability.

What is a makerspace?

Makerspaces are innovation spaces, tech hubs, labs and facilities that set about to innovate, collaborate, create and drive impact through supporting the development of solutions, training and skills enhancement whilst incorporating technology hardware or software.

This exciting opportunity is a 5 month hybrid programme that kicks off in October 2023. The programme is designed to incorporate a holistic approach of online masterclasses, innovation roadshow and ecosystem tour in South Africa, a capstone project and mentorship to support on the implementation plan of your proposed project.

Participation in the programme can significantly increase your hub’s value by developing deeper incorporation of technology and innovation into programmes and implementation. The thought-leading masterclasses and roadshow will culminate in the capstone project where participants will pitch a proposal for innovation utilizing the available grant funding.

Key dates to consider:

  • October: Onboarding and Masterclass series, Online
  • 14th to 17th November: Roadshow and ecosystem tour, Cape Town, South Africa
  • December to February 2024: Capstone proposal 90 days implementation
  • December to February 2024: Mentorship


  • Applications are open to Western African and Eastern African Makerspaces who incorporate technology in their current implementation and programmes
  • Applicants need to have a workshop with a variety of maker equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutters, cnc machines, soldering irons, mould making etc
  • Applicants must have been at least 3+ years in operationsApplicants must have at least one established relationship (formal or informal) with a university
  • Applicants must provide, plan to provide or partner to provide additional business development / support services to startups and cohort members
  • Applicants must have a valid passport and be able and willing to travel on the above mentioned dates


  • Access to ecosystem industry experts to develop a deeper understanding of innovation trends and opportunities
  • Develop a deeper understanding of how to collaborate with innovation ecosystems, build sustainable operation models and increase gender diversity in programming
  • Innovation ecosystem tour with the South African RoadshowUp to € 5000 to implement the roll out of your project
  • Mentorship to strengthen and support your 90 days implementation plan

We look forward to your application in this exciting opportunity for local R&D - Apply here

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