BAM: Empowering African Accelerators
November 2022 – December 2023
Egypt - Ghana - Kenya - Nigeria - Rwanda - Senegal - South Africa - Tanzania
Pan-African - Western Africa - Eastern Africa - Southern Africa
Implementing Partners
500 Global
Sustainable development goals
In emerging startup ecosystems, accelerators and tech hubs face the challenge of supporting startups while being 'startups' themselves, often struggling to find their own sustainable business models.
BAM: EMPOWERING AFRICAN ACCELERATORS has been specially designed to empower accelerators to amplify their impact and support the region’s future entrepreneurs.
Together with 500 Global, we have designed a unique and comprehensive program including a 1-week intensive bootcamp as well as a 12-month sustainability track where hub managers will be coached by experienced 500 Global mentors to hone their strategy and keep track of their progress.
The BAM participants meeting for a bootcamp in Nairobi in November 2022.